All About The Black Sea

The Black Sea is located on the southeastern side of the continent of Europe and on the western side of the continent of Asia. It is an inland sea bordered by the state of Turkey to the south, the states of Bulgaria and Romania to the west, the state of Ukraine to the north, the state of Russia to the northeast, and the state of Georgia to the north. To the east, the sea is connected to a number of seas, such as the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosphorus Strait, the Sea of Marmara through the Dardanelles Strait, and the Sea of Azov through the Kerch Strait. It is also connected to the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Crete from the south side.

Many rivers also flow and empty into the Black Sea, the most important of which is the Danube River. And the Dnipro River. The sea area is about 436,400 square kilometers, and its greatest depth is about 2,200 metres.

The sea is a very important main route for transporting oil from Russia and western Asia to the continent of Europe, where more than 6,000 Russian oil tankers passed through the sea in 2005 AD and others. From merchant ships.

The Black Sea takes an almost oval shape, and its coast is different from the coasts of other seas, as the distance between the east and west coast is about 1,175 km, and the distance between the north and south coast is about 260 km, and the reason for giving the Black Sea this name goes back to Greek mythology.

The ancient sea, which means the inhospitable sea, and after a period of exploration of the region and the establishment of colonies there, the sea became known as hospitable and friendly. Legend had it that the region had the Golden Fleece in a land called Colchis, but because of sudden storms in the region, they renamed the sea to the Black Sea. Or caradenase, the ink is characterized by a low water level and is biologically dead due to poor aeration of the deep layers of water.

Features of the Black Sea

Characteristics of the Black Sea There are many features that distinguish the sea from other seas in the world, which make it different from other seas, in addition to its somewhat strange name. The most prominent features of this sea can be summarized as follows:

The Black Sea is fed mainly by a number of rivers, the most important of which are the Dnipro River, the Buh River, the Dniester River, and the Danube River. The rivers flowing from the northern side of the Black Sea carry a lot of silt and sediment that form deltas or floodplains, sand, and some lakes on the northern coast of the Black Sea.

The southern coast of the Black Sea is steep and rocky, unlike the sandy northern coast.

It contains two layers of water with different densities. The bottom layer of water is very salty and has little movement. It also contains hydrogen sulfide, and there is no marine life in it at all.

The upper layer of sea water is less salty and full of fish, and the water in it flows clockwise around the sea, with few tidal movements.

The ecosystem of the Black Sea has changed due to pollution and overfishing, and this has prompted the countries neighboring the sea to put an end to all environmental violations of the sea.

In the winter, the sea is exposed to severe storms, and the sea is free of ice, while the water is widespread in the summer.

Climate of the Black Sea

The climate of the Black Sea is affected by the continental climate, where the winter is cold and the summer is hot and dry.

The northwestern part of the Black Sea is affected by air masses coming from the north, while the southeastern part is protected by high mountains and has a semi-tropical and humid climate characterized by abundant amounts of rain and warm winters. And the humid summer.

The winter is characterized by the Siberian cyclone, which generates very cold currents of air that affect the northwestern parts. There is a lot of rain. Temperatures drop in January until they reach about 2 to 3 degrees Celsius in the winter, and temperatures rise. The temperature in the spring reaches 16 degrees Celsius, while temperatures rise to 24 degrees Celsius in the summer, and winds are the main climatic feature in the winter in all sea regions.

Black Sea uses

The Black Sea has many uses by the local residents of the neighboring areas close to the sea, as the sea is distinguished by its distinctive strategic location between countries, which connects many countries to each other, and it can be used in many different fields as follows:

Channels for transporting legal goods or for smuggling illegal goods such as drugs and radioactive materials.

Ports for many commercial and tourist ships. There are about 30 commercial ports according to statistics from the International Transport Workers Union in 2013. The most important ports are Odessa in Ukraine, Sevastopol in the Dwarf, Novorossiysk in Russia, Constanta in Romania, and Trabzon in Turkey.

Commercial transport fleet. There are about 2,400 commercial ships operating at sea.

Fishing, especially in the winter between November and December.

Extracting and prospecting for oil in the western part of the sea in the Ukraine region, and holding many foreign investments to extract it.

Establishing tourist resorts to attract many tourists and increase economic growth in the region, and it is spread on the sea coast of many of its neighboring countries, and among the most important resorts are the Crimea Resort and the Kosasios Resort.