Foreign Relations of Turkey

The geography of Turkey has always been in an important position from past to present. Especially Anatolian geography has been a region that attracts the attention of many foreign countries. The most important reason for this is that Turkey has fertile lands and a prestigious position. While Turkey's foreign relations are positive with many countries, they are also negative with many countries. In particular, the foreign countries where our country is the best in terms of investment appear as the countries of the Middle East geography.

Turkey's foreign relations with countries such as Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE are very strong. Our country signs billions of dollars of trade agreements with these countries. Thus, our country's foreign relations are developing through these countries. Germany is the European country with which Turkey trades the most.

With Which Countries Are Turkey's Foreign Relations Strong?

Turkey's foreign relations with many countries are developing positively. In particular, Turkey's relations with its sister country, the Republic of Azerbaijan, are at a high level. There are many trade agreements between Turkey and Azerbaijan. At the same time, the ties of both countries are very strong as a result of the ties from history. With the Karabagh War, which broke out in a short period of time, Turkey's foreign relations with Azerbaijan were further strengthened.

Our country is also known as a country that establishes good relations with its neighbours. There are many investment agreements between Turkey and Georgia. In addition, we can say that the relationship between Bulgaria and Turkey is extremely positive.

With Which Countries Are Turkey's Foreign Relations Weak?

Our country is known as an unloved country as well as a loved one around the world. Turkey's foreign relations are mostly problematic with the Republic of Greece. The tension between Greece and Turkey has increased significantly with the drilling ship activities in the Mediterranean. The tension is rising to serious levels by climbing one step every day. Another country where Turkey has the most problems is known as the Republic of Armenia.

The road link between Armenia and Turkey is completely closed. At the same time, air transportation between Armenia and Turkey was temporarily suspended and started again. Another country that has a problem with our country is Syria. As a result of our problems with Syria, refugee problems have emerged.