Turkish Citizenship by Investment

Almost all countries of the world have made special studies in terms of granting citizenship to individuals with certain characteristics through easy methods. Turkey is also among these countries. In terms of Turkish citizenship by investment, In terms of Turkish citizenship by investment, it is possible for some foreign citizens to acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Turkey in a much easier way due to their close connection and related people in our country. This is also called exceptional naturalization. It is necessary to carry out the application procedures together with the documents required for the execution of these procedures or to have them made and this application must be concluded in a positive way.

Legislation Regarding Acquisition of Citizenship of the Republic of Turkey by Foreign Investors

Studies related to the acquisition of Turkish citizenship by foreign investors, specifically Turkish citizenship by investment, Turkish citizenship law numbered 5901, the regulation on the implementation of the Turkish citizenship law, the international protection law with foreign citizens and the Presidential decision numbered 106 and 418 are also included. According to article 12 of Turkish citizenship law:

Provided that there is not any obstacle in terms of national security and public order, the following persons may acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Turkey by the Presidential decision.

  • Persons who are bringing industrial facilities to the State of the Republic of Turkey or who have or are expected to pass extraordinary service in the technological, economic, scientific, sports, social, artistic and cultural fields,
  • Foreign citizens and persons who have obtained a short-term residence permit in accordance with clause 31/1/J of the international protection law,
  • Foreign citizens holding turquoise cards and their foreign spouses, minor or dependent foreign children of themselves or their spouses,

The time and mode of acquiring citizenship of foreign citizens and foreign individuals investing in the State of the Republic of Turkey in order to obtain a short-term residence permit in accordance with clause 31/1/J of the international protection law is specified.

Conditions for Acquiring Citizenship of Foreign Individuals Investing with a Short-Term Residence Permit

In accordance with the provisions of the foreign citizens and international protection law under the title of short-term residence permit, citizens who do not operate in the state of the Republic of Turkey but will invest in the amount and scope to be determined by the President, their foreign spouses, own and their spouse's minor or dependent foreign children, short-term can apply for a residence permit. As can be seen, not all who makes an investment cannot acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Turkey through the investment method. These investments must meet certain criteria and have certain monetary amounts.