Employment Conditions

Before moving to employment conditions, it would be useful to clarify what the concept of employment is. Employment is a form of contract that regulates the responsibilities, payment terms and rules between the enterprise and the individual and covers and determines the general criteria of the workplace, on the other hand, recognized through the government. When the question of employment conditions is asked, first of all, a contract stating that the individual has made a written or verbal commitment with a business defined as the employer, working hours and certain conditions, especially the payment schedule.

What are the Types of Employment?

Employment types can be examined under 5 main headings in terms of employment conditions. These are generally daily workers, full-time or permanent workers, apprentices or interns. Personnel provided by employment companies and subcontractors can be listed as people recruited through contractors and subcontractors. They can also work in a standard working time zone operating on a full-time basis.

What Does the Employment Ratio Mean?

The employment ratio is defined as the information about the extent to which the existing labor force main resources, namely the sum of the people available for work, are used, and calculations are made by considering the ratio of the employed people to the working age and the country's population. The criterion that is actually meant here, of course, is the working people. It means the person who works subject to this contract under the terms of the employment contract. In other words, the payment terms will include annual leave and working hours, but are not limited to this type of contract.

Employment Conditions

In terms of employment conditions, working conditions in the Republic of Turkey are mainly regulated by labor law and trade union law. In accordance with the labor law, there are different types of employment contracts:

  • Employment contracts created in the form of a team contract
  • Employment contracts for on-call working
  • Employment contracts with full-time or part-time jobs
  • Indefinite or fixed-term employment contracts
  • Employment contracts in permanent or discontinuous works

It is strictly forbidden to discriminate among citizens who will work in any workplace based on gender, political opinion, philosophical belief and similar criteria. It is forbidden to discriminate on the basis of gender during the determination of the wages to be given to employees doing the same or equivalent jobs.