History and Government System

The government system is the main authority that determines the preferences on how and in what way the basic organs of the state will be established and managed. In other words, we can say that it forms the basis of democratic or non-democratic administrations regarding the positioning of the forces in the state. The history and government system, which has been on the agenda in Turkey since 1980, has been evaluated as the most ideal system to replace the parliamentary system. As an alternative to the current system, which has been criticized as an inadequate form of administration, there has been proposals to switch to the presidential system? The presidential system has been firmly supported by Turgut Özal, then Süleyman Demirel and finally by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in our recent history.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Government Systems

It is a matter of deciding whether the history and government system determined by the government while the constitution is being prepared and whether it will lead to a union of powers or a separation of powers in the administration. The decision taken in the direction of unity of powers brings with it the necessity of taking new decisions. The union of powers gathered under the legislative and executive gave birth to the parliamentary government system. Preferences for the separation of powers by the government reveal parliamentary, presidential and semi-presidential systems. At this point, the separation of the hard powers means the transition to the presidential system, and the separation of the soft powers means the transition to the parliamentary system.

The concept of history and government system, which has existed for centuries when nations and states coexist, comes up with different names and forms. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. The best way to turn these elements against the state and the nation is through democratic forms of government.

History and Presidential System

Government systems, which are the most important returns of political states, have been one of the most discussed issues from history to the present. In our country and throughout the world, many systems have been tried so far and there have been failed systems, especially the parliamentary system. The presidential and semi-presidential system has always been brought to the agenda, instead of the parliamentary system as a regime that is deemed inadequate in state administration. As a result of a radical change, the head of state has been elected by the people since 2007.