Declarations of Real Estate Buyers or Sellers

Issues such as should statements be made when buying and selling all kinds of real estate, which are buildings, lands and fields and what are the statements of those who buy or sell real estate are being wondered. It is a must to notify the relevant municipalities when purchasing a real estate. Real estate services and real estate tax transactions are followed by the municipality in which the real estate type is located and affiliated. When a real estate purchase and sale takes place, it is mandatory for the buyer to make a declaration/statement.

Who Makes Real Estate Tax Declaration?

The real estate tax must be reported to the authorized municipalities for the purchased real estate and the accepted period of this is principally 3 months. We can say the following about the statements of those who buy or sell real estate. The person who sells or buys the land must have notified the relevant municipality units. A declaration must also be submitted in the purchase and sale of real estate subject to any tax exemption.

For real estate purchased by a joint venture, a joint statement may be made between the partners or a separate declaration may be in question. In other words, in a limited liability company, each partner can make a declaration for his/her share.

Who Makes Real Estate Declaration and Where?

The rule, which is stipulated as a condition, is for the buyer of the real estate to make a declaration. When it comes to declaration of real estate buyers or sellers, the person selling the building, house, land or field does not need to make a declaration. However, the person selling the property may take follow-up scheme due to real estate tax debt related to the real estate to be sold in the future. The taxpayer can be freed of this situation by proving that immoveable is sold. However, without provoking this situation, when you sell the property, it is beneficial to notify the municipality with a request containing information about the sale.

Otherwise, the municipality may continue to demand real estate tax in the following years from the taxpayer who sold the property, since the information on the sale of the property is not included in the tax file of the municipality. The real estate tax declaration submitted to the relevant municipality is submitted once and is valid as long as the property is owned. In other words, returns are not filed in every tax period, such as income tax or VAT. During the period used, the relevant municipality calculates the tax to be paid according to the value of the property.