Is life in Turkey safe?

Is life in Turkey safe?

What is the level of safety in Turkey? This is an unexpected question, isn't it? This is because Turkey is always associated with the idea of luxury, comfort, hospitality and luxury hotels with stunning landscapes. However, buyers of real estate in Turkey may want to have a greater idea of daily life and the level of safety.

In this article, we will talk in general about the level of safety in Turkey, how Turks deal with their foreign neighbors, is it dangerous to wander alone in the city, and will the Turkish police be able to protect you? Let's take the city of Antalya as an example to talk about all this.

The daily life of any foreigner who moves to live in a new city is focused on communicating with neighbors, going to stores, pharmacies and cafes, and using public transportation. How do you treat your Turkish neighbors? Turks are like any other person of any nationality: in short, different, but in general they are friendly and calm. They will welcome you when they meet you, smiling at you and keeping their doors open. They will be happy to talk to you, but at the same time they will be alert to know your intentions. If you want to shorten your conversation with them by smiling at them and welcoming them, you can do that. But you should know that when necessary, your Turkish neighbor will be ready to help you.

Turks leave their children's strollers, umbrellas, toys and shoes in the corridors in front of their apartment doors and in public places without any fear, as theft between neighbors is next to impossible. If one day while swimming in the pool inside your complex you remember that you forgot to turn off the iron and had to go home, rest assured that when you return you will find your phone, towel and book intact. No one will think of stealing your private things. But of course, do not leave your apartment open, and do not keep your bag and wallet open in plain sight, especially in the summer, when many strangers flock to spend the holidays. Caution and prudence are always required.

Your children can play in the park or go to their friends' house in comfort. Turks treat children kindly and friendly. It is very common for a stranger to lean over to your child and give him candy or play with him. There is no malice in dealing with children. If your child suddenly screams on the beach about something, all those resting near you or passing by will rush to calm him down.

Even teenagers who are known to always be a bit naughty and dangerous are harmless in Turkey, and if you deal with them strictly, they will get confused and start apologizing. This is probably because teenagers are not used to drinking alcohol, even beer (which in other countries is considered a manifestation of puberty). Teenagers usually meet at the beach or picnic area. They play volleyball or soccer, sing on the guitar, and communicate with others without the need for any stimulants. If you see a couple kissing, they are most likely foreigners. The maximum any Turkish boy can tolerate in a public place is to hug a girl or hold her hand.

Women feel comfortable while walking around the streets, cafes, and on the beach. Even if they are taking an evening stroll along the seaside, they can run in a tight tracksuit without being harassed by anyone. Of course, men love beautiful women, and they will be happy to show you some attention, but it will not go beyond that! If you make it clear that you are not interested, no one will insist on it. Self-control is important, and this is the only way you can challenge such situations.

Taxis and public transportation are 100% safe at any time during the day. Long-distance bus travel is a completely different story. This is perhaps the most common and convenient way to travel in Turkey: in comfortable, air-conditioned buses, where hosts in white shirts will help you with your luggage, treat you to free coffee and become the most loyal helpers during your trip. By the way, your fellow passengers will also reveal friendliness and a desire to help. When you travel this way, you will feel comfortable and safe as if you are traveling with old friends.

There will be several breaks on each trip: this is for passengers to stretch and go to health facilities (if the bus does not have one). The driver also needs to rest (if the driver drives the bus for more than 4 hours, he must eat lunch and take a break for one hour). There will likely be police checkpoints. Such stations may take some time from you, but we hope that you understand their necessity, as in the end they are primarily to maintain your safety.

If you want to travel in your own car, do not hesitate to stop on the side of the road for a quick meal. You will be welcomed as a valued guest. Foreigners arouse great curiosity among Turks and will want to communicate with you. However, if you do not find a clear language for understanding, smiles will have the greatest share. However, if you are not comfortable stopping in such places, the safest option is gas stations. Each will have stores with everything you need during the trip, clean restrooms, friendly staff, and the opportunity to grab a snack.

Let me tell you simple things about the Turkish police: The reason for calling the police may be disturbance from neighbors, inappropriate behavior, or some unacceptable behavior from the landlords’ point of view. The police have the right to go and check all the apartments in the complex. Most importantly, residents will not object, because only in this way can you maintain the level of safety, even in the holiday season. By the way, there are special police units called the tourist police, which aim to ensure the safety of life and comfort in tourist cities. These units consist of officers in military uniform, the majority of whom wear civilian clothes. It is worth noting that police officers in Turkey are treated with great respect, as the state only recruits people who are well trained physically and mentally. Police officers enjoy many benefits, and they usually love and appreciate their work.

We will definitely return to the topic of life security in Turkey, but we hope we have convinced you that if you are planning to buy an apartment in Turkey and start a completely new life, you should not be afraid of anything.

Living in this country is comfortable and safe!

Don't forget to contact our experts if you want to buy an apartment in Antalya, a villa in Istanbul, or see real estate projects in Mersin. We have sufficient experience to help you apply for a real estate residence permit in Turkey and obtain Turkish citizenship.