Rules & Regulations : Imported mobile devices & vehicles

The Turkish government announced new news and regulation regarding mobile devices and vehicles which will be active fromJanuary 1st January, 2024. The term of use for mobile devices brought into the country without registration will be extended from 120 days to 180 days. Additionally, the e-Government platform will allow for the usage period of these devices to be extended twice, each time for 30 days, up from the previous limit of 120 days. Previously, these devices were only operational for a short period before needing to be replaced with a locally purchased SIM card.

For foreign pensioners, the duration for their vehicles with foreign license plates to remain in Turkey has been extended for four years. This means that during this period, there is no need to leave the country's boundaries, as was previously required every two years. This change is expected to ease the lives of foreign pensioners, who will only need to take their cars out of the country once every four years.

This policy is anticipated to have multiple effects. From an economic standpoint, the increased practicality of importing phones from outside may impact decisions made about mobile device purchases. Socially, the longer time frame will ease the transition and communication requirements of Turkish nationals who often travel or live overseas.

The Turkish government extended the usage period for both mobile phones and vehicles brought from abroad, showing the strong recognition and appreciation for its citizens living abroad.

Both implementations come into effect on 1st January 2024.