Studying in Turkey

The reputation built by Turkish universities must not have been born yesterday, but rather was the result of years of scientific development and the great capabilities that the Turkish government has given to education. This is indicated by the rise in the level of study in Turkey to advanced levels and the Turkish universities obtaining high international ratings. You can read the Institute’s report. The British Times, which specializes in classifying Turkish universities, discusses this topic here.

Turkish universities combine the standards and basics of education in European universities, in addition to paying attention to the strength and quality of education and increasing the level of practical training, especially in applied fields, which made Turkish universities compete in global ranks in the number of registered research and inventions.

On the other hand, Turkish universities have taken care to provide their faculties with all modern sciences and appropriate educational means, such as interest in the field of artificial intelligence engineering, which has truly revolutionized the world of programming and various fields. The adoption of the English language as the primary language of study alongside the Turkish language has had a significant impact in increasing the interest of foreign students from To study in Turkey.

Study experience in Turkey

The experience of studying in Turkey is considered a unique and exciting experience for many foreign students. Studying in Turkey provides good educational opportunities and diverse cultural experiences. Foreign students can enjoy education from qualified teachers who specialize in various fields.

However, the negative aspects of studying in Turkey must also be taken into account, in addition to some drawbacks such as the difficulty of the Turkish language and the high costs of living in some cities.

To keep things simple, international students can start with our guide that provides guidance on how to start studying in Turkey in 2023, enabling them to get up-to-date information about the procedures and requirements needed to study in this country.

Advantages of studying in Türkiye

• Quality of education: Turkey includes many prestigious universities that offer advanced and diverse educational programs that suit the needs of the global market.

• Affordable cost: Compared to European and North American countries, the cost of studying and living in Turkey is much lower, making it an ideal choice for students who want to obtain higher education at an affordable cost.

• Geographical location: Turkey is located at the intersection of Eastern and Western cultures, providing students with a unique opportunity to learn about two different cultures at once.

• Cultural exchange opportunities: Due to its geographical location, Turkey receives students from different parts of the world, providing an opportunity for cultural exchange and building friendships with students from diverse backgrounds.

• Language: Although Turkish is the main language, many universities offer their programs in English, making it an attractive destination for international students.

• Cultural and social life: Turkey is rich in history, culture, and arts, giving students the opportunity to immerse themselves in multiple cultural experiences, from museums, theaters, and festivals.

• Safety: Turkey is one of the safe countries for international students, and enjoys a high level of safety in most major cities.

• Support and assistance for international students: Many Turkish universities provide special support for international students through special offices that help with accommodation, registration, and other practical matters.

Conditions for studying in Turkey

Conditions for studying in Turkey differ between public universities and private universities.

Conditions for studying in Turkish public universities.

In public universities, students with a high school diploma or Tawjihi are required to have the certificate translated and authenticated by the Turkish embassy in their country.

Submit an application to register and take the Foreign Student Admissions Test (YOS), where students are required to achieve a high percentage in this test to have the opportunity to register in the desired specialization.

In the case of engineering majors, a certain percentage in the YOS test is required.