The cheapest city to live in Turkey

There are people who love to live in Turkey, but hear about the costs of living in major cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, and others, so they ask about a suitable city for life in terms of population density and reasonable prices, and this is what we will try to find out in this article.

What are the cheapest cities in Turkey to live in general?

Turkey is generally considered one of the countries suitable for middle-income people, as life there is cheaper when compared to life in Europe or America. The government is trying to secure people's life requirements, including infrastructure, social services, food, and medicine, at an acceptable price, but the inflation occurring in the world has generally affected the lives of families and individuals in Turkey, specifically in major cities such as Istanbul and Ankara, or tourist cities such as Antalya and Trabzon.

We can say that life in states that are not densely populated is more suitable and cheaper with regard to housing, services, and prices of food and other goods. These states include: Kocaeli, Bursa, Sakarya, Yalova, Mardin, and other states.

The cheapest cities in Turkey for living with a distinctive quality of life

1. Bursa city

The city of Bursa is located in the northwest of Turkey, and is located in the middle between the political capital, Ankara, and the economic and lively capital, Istanbul. Bursa is about 150 km away from the city of Istanbul, and its population is more than 3 million people. There are many natural and tourist areas, and there are service facilities and infrastructure suitable for housing and establishing investment projects. The prices of apartments and goods necessary for life are cheaper than in Istanbul, and more suitable for the living conditions of those who live in this beautiful city.

2. Sakarya city

If the investor or seeker wants a city close to Istanbul, with lower prices for goods and supplies, then the city of Sakarya is a suitable choice. The city is close to the city of Kocaeli and is not more than 120 km away from the city of Istanbul, and it has lively residential sites and a famous, charming nature. Its area is 4,878 km2, and its population is more than one million people, which means a typical population density to live in.

In general, Sakarya is a suitable city to live and settle in, as it is cheaper in expenses and prices than Istanbul, because the goods there are less expensive than those in the city of Istanbul.

3. Kocaeli city

Among the suitable cities that are close to the conditions we talked about to suit an acceptable life in terms of living, infrastructure, services, and prices is the city of Kocaeli, which is close to Bursa and Sakarya.

The city, which is increasingly advanced and prosperous, is no more than 70 km away from Istanbul, and its area extends over 3,623 km2, and includes parts of the Sea of Marmara. It is famous for the districts of Gebze, Izmit, and Kartepe, and perhaps Maşukiye is one of the most famous tourist areas known for it.

The population density in Kocaeli is considered balanced with its economic activity. It includes many modern markets and commercial centers, in addition to many popular markets full of good goods at reasonable prices.

4. Yalova city

It is very close to the appropriate standards mentioned in the article for housing and living, and the appropriate prices. What is famous about the city of Yalova is that living there is cheap compared to major Turkish cities, and there is no doubt that foreigners wishing to settle there are keen to know more details about the costs of living in Yalova. ).

The city of Yalova is considered one of the cities with a picturesque nature and a strategically located state in Turkey, as it is not more than 50 km away from Istanbul by sea, and is classified as one of the cities that is rapidly growing in real estate investments.

Its university is classified as the second largest university after Marmara University, and it also includes sufficient numbers of local and international private schools.

What distinguishes the state is the proportional population distribution, as its population does not exceed 300 thousand people.

Distinctive properties from Easy Buy Estate in the cheapest cities in Turkey

Easy Buy Estate Company offers you a group of distinguished projects in states suitable for quiet and happy living, including projects in the city of Bursa: Viale, Faizyon, City of Roses, and Nilufer Houses.

In the city of Kocaeli, there are suitable apartments in the most prestigious residential areas, and projects: Lavid, Dora, Yuvacik Hills, City Palaces, Garden.

In Sakarya real estate, there are projects: Lamzi, Arin, Evora Life, Eski Rose, and Demir Sakarya.

As for Yalova real estate; There are projects: Firdaws Yalova, Modern Residence, Magic Yalova, and Orman.

For more information or inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Easy Buy Real Estate Company consultants.