Treatment in Turkey : everything you need to know

Treatment in Turkey : everything you need to know
Treatment in Turkey represents a typical option for individuals from all over the world, and those who track the numbers find that medical tourism in Turkey has been increasing continuously since the beginning of the third millennium, with the number of visitors reaching approximately 1.8 million patients in 2022. Analysts expect that number to increase to reach Two million patients are coming for treatment in Turkey by 2024.
A number of reasons have helped medical sector do well in Turkey, because of the availability of treatment centers and hospitals with advanced technologies and materials, as well as medical expertise that is similar in quality to treatment centers in America and Europe, and even better than them in some specialties.
In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to treatment in Turkey, through which you will learn about the types of cosmetic and other surgical treatments, their advantages and prices from A to Z; So that this guide will be your compass on a journey in which you will enjoy abundant health and well-being.
Information you should know before traveling for treatment in Türkiye
Doctors and nurses are appointed through the Turkish Medical Association, in coordination with the associations for each specialty. Among the associations are:
Association of Cardiovascular Surgery.
Association of Dentistry and Ophthalmology.
There are at least 1,200 treatment hospitals in Turkey, and the hospitals under government management do not exceed 100, and the rest are managed by private investment companies and institutions.
Turkey has been looking forward for some time to joining the European Union, and there are many international standards that are applied regarding the health sector, and the regulatory authorities conduct periodic inspections to ensure quality and implementation of instructions in medical facilities in general.
Treatment in Türkiye
Services provided
The ambulance number in Turkey is (112), and if you call, the ambulance will arrive as quickly as possible, and the patient will be transferred to one of the health care homes, whether private or public.
There are a wide range of advantages related to medical tourism in Turkey, and we will discuss the most important of them below:
Accredited hospitals and treatment centers
Turkey has a large number of hospitals and treatment centers accredited at the international level, located throughout Turkey, especially in the big cities like Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya and Kogali. These hospitals provide very good medical care, and most of them enter into partnerships with international medical institutions.
Concening the language
Even for foreigners who doesnt speak turkish language, they can proceed with english, which is mastered by most of those who work in treatment centers and hospitals, and a translator can also be used during treatment in Turkey.
Returns at the local level
Medical tourism generates large sums of money, and this helps revitalize the economy in Turkey.
Revenues amount to approximately four billion dollars, and those responsible are looking forward to increasing this amount to reach twenty billion dollars in the coming years.
Visiting tourist attractions
Turkey is located in a middle location between the continents of the ancient world, and has dozens of tourist attractions such as (Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Galata Tower, Chora Church, Hagia Sophia antiquities, Turkish Art Museum, Bosphorus Strait, and Rumeli Castle).
Also, most hospitals and treatment centers can organize recreational trips so that the patient can have a unique experience.
Immediate treatment without waiting
There are no waiting lists for treatment in Turkey, and once you contact hospitals or centers, an appointment is scheduled within two weeks, which is very important for patients suffering from chronic diseases.
Comparing this to the United States of America and the United Kingdom, we will find that performing a surgery may require waiting more than a year, but not in turkey.
Cheap prices
Treatment prices in Turkey are cheap when compared to European countries, where the cost is lower by 50-60%.
At the same time, the technologies used are the same as those found in the best European countries and the United States of America.
Turkish people are kind, and they have many customs and traditions that people in the Middle East apply, and expatriates will not feel alienated.
Availability of airlines
Traveling to Turkey is not hard, because there are many airlines that organize flights to and from Turkey to other parts of the world, and there are a big number of international airports in the main cities.