Why Are There so Many Cats in Istanbul?

Cats are a common sight in Istanbul, Turkey. They are considered lucky and are often fed by locals and tourists alike. Many stray cats also make their home in the city's streets and squares, and there are even cat cafes where people can interact with cats while enjoying a cup of coffee. The stray cats of Istanbul have their own welfare organization TURKKEDI, which provides food, shelter and medical care for the stray cats of Istanbul.

There are a few reasons why there are a lot of cats in Istanbul. One reason is that cats have been present in the city for centuries and have been considered lucky and sacred animals by locals. Additionally, the city's warm climate and ample food supply, including the fish from the Bosphorus, have provided a suitable environment for the cats to thrive. Furthermore, Istanbul's stray cat population is also maintained by local tradition of feeding and caring for them, which has led to the large population of cats in the city.