Working in Turkey

In order to work in Turkey, a foreign national must obtain a work permit visa. The process for obtaining a work permit visa in Istanbul involves several steps and requires the involvement of both the employer and the employee.

  • The employer must first apply to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security for a work permit on behalf of the foreign employee.
  • Once the work permit is granted, the employee can then apply for a work visa at the Turkish consulate in their home country.
  • The employee must submit the required documents including the work permit, passport, and a completed visa application form.
  • After the visa is issued, the employee can then enter Turkey and register with the local authorities to obtain a residence permit.
  • The employee must also register with the social security institution and get a tax number.

It's worth noting that the sector that employ the most foreigners in Turkey is the manufacturing sector. Also, please note that the process and requirements for obtaining a work permit and visa may vary depending on the specific sector and the country of origin of the employee. It's always best to check with the Turkish consulate or the Ministry of Labor and Social Security for the most up-to-date information.

Turkey has a diverse economy with various sectors that employ foreign workers. Some of the major sectors that employ foreigners in Turkey include:

Manufacturing: Turkey has a strong manufacturing sector, with a focus on textiles, automotive, and electronics. Many foreign workers are employed in these industries.

Tourism: Turkey is a popular tourist destination, and the tourism sector employs many foreign workers, particularly in hotels, restaurants, and tour companies.

Construction: Turkey has a rapidly growing construction sector, and many foreign workers are employed in this industry, particularly in the areas of building and infrastructure development.

Services: Turkey has a growing services sector, including finance, IT, and business services, which employ many foreign workers.

Agriculture: Turkey has a significant agricultural sector, and many foreign workers, particularly seasonal workers, are employed in this industry.

Health sector: Turkey has a large health sector and there are many positions available for foreign workers such as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.