Immigration Administration

Migration is defined as the movement of individuals or societies from where they are for political, economic or social reasons to another place. A person who migrates from one country to settle in a different country is called a migrant. It is the person who does the immigration work. People who leave their country for fear of being harmed and do not come back, who do not want to return, and whose fears are justified by the country they settled in are called refugees. People who have not yet been accepted as refugees are called asylum seekers. In our country, the immigration administration deals with this issue.

Due to its geographical location, Turkey undertakes the task of being an important transit route. At the center of the recent population movements of our country is the phenomenon of migration. Due to economic conditions, education and political problems experienced in the countries, the number of foreigners who have recently migrated to Turkey and started to live here is increasing every day. It has been determined that the increase in this mobility experienced recently is very high.

Applying for Immigration

Countries may set completely different rules about immigration from each other. Some countries may require documents such as visas, residence permits, work permits plus additional requests such as foreign languages. For example, for Canada; It is necessary to apply from the system they have determined as a country. On the system; information such as skills and curriculum vitae, educational background, foreign language knowledge, language skills and education of the applicant's spouse, invitation, the existence of a state program for permanent residence, the applicant's personal abilities/contribution to business life are requested.

Foreigners who will come to Turkey are obliged to obtain a residence permit to apply to the immigration administration department. There is a constant renewal of the rules and regulations related to residence and work permits. Therefore, in the application process, it is very important for foreigners to receive support from their own lawyers and to complete the documents in a timely, complete and accurate manner.

Directorate of Migration Management

It is called the Migration Management Presidency of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Turkey or the Migration Management Presidency with its short name or the immigration administration among the people. It was established as an institution affiliated to the Ministry of Interior in order to implement policies and plans related to migration, to ensure communication between institutions and organizations related to these issues, to carry out business and activities related to foreign nationals' entry and stay in Turkey, their exit from Turkey and their deportation, etc.

In order to regulate the effects of adaptation problems, economic tides, political and socio-cultural problems experienced as a result of migration movements on social life, the General Directorates of Migration Management prepare certain rules and follow the implementation of these rules.

How the Migration Management Appointment System Works?

The Immigration Administration, through the Directorates-General of Migration Management, has ensured that foreigners have access to the following information. Details about the residence permit are given for those who want to get a residence and want to be permanent in Turkey. Details of the types of permits that can be obtained are included. There are information about how residence permits are obtained and how long it takes to finalize them. For those who want to apply, there is a detailed list of documents requested by the Directorate General of Migration Management. Information flow is provided about how much money is due after applying for residence.