Immigration Consultancy

Nowadays, with globalization, migration mobility continues day by day. For this reason, such a formation as immigration consultancy has emerged. It is a fact that migration mobility, which takes place on a global scale, has become a security problem for the receiving and sending countries. As a result of the meetings held by the member states of the United Nations in 2016, the thesis that migration is now a global problem has been accepted.

Until recently, Turkey was a sending country. Due to its geopolitical position, it was considered as a transit country to Europe. With the problems experienced in neighboring countries in recent years and the social and economic development in Turkey, Turkey has now become a target country for migrants.

Where to Apply for Immigration?

Countries follow different paths to immigration applications. Some countries seek foreign language knowledge other than documents such as visas, residence permits, work permits. In the case of immigration consultancy, applications can be made through the system determined by the countries themselves first. Skills and work experience, education level, foreign language, foreign language of the applicant's spouse, job offer or invitation if any, are sought through the system. The applicant's personal abilities and contribution to business life are sought. Immigrant candidates who come to Turkey are in a position to obtain a residence permit by applying to the migration administration.

What Does Immigration Consulting Do?

Residence and work permit legislation and even regulations are constantly being renewed. For this reason, it will be in your best interest to get support from immigration consultancy during the application process. In this way, a number of procedures that need to be completed are completed in a timely and complete manner. Transactions will take place more quickly. This consultancy service is a service that guides you and speeds up the processes and is known to help you get a more positive result.

Advantages of the Immigration Consulting

It is considered to be very useful in terms of speeding up the transactions. It guides you in bureaucratic procedures and stationery affairs and allows you to move to an advantageous situation. Immigration consultancy also guides you through the necessary procedures during the application phase through the system. Apart from that, it helps you with the adaptation. The problem of integration of migrants in their new countries is seen as important problems to be addressed. At this stage, the consultant guides you. And s/he declares to you what to do. It is a fact that immigrants have various problems. Some of these are the psychological pressure of being separated from one's own traditions, customs and social environment, encountering and adapting to a culture that one does not know, psychological disorders such as anxiety disorder, stress and depression. The integration of migrants is one of the most discussed issues. This adaptation process needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. This situation is important for both immigrants and the country of migration. For this reason, countries carry out policies and practices through social workers. This process starts as soon as the immigration application is made and continues afterwards.Formun Üstü