Immigration Costs

In addition to the documents that the persons who will apply for immigration among the countries in the world must prepare with the application, there are a certain amount of immigration costs to use in these transactions. In Turkey, the person must obtain a visa or a residence certificate obtained from the competent security authorities containing visa exemption, which is one of the immigration requirements. In order to obtain a residence permit, it is sufficient for the person to apply to the foreigners' branch office of the province where the person is located. Another document that immigrants must have is a residence permit. The residence permit is a document showing for what purpose and for how long the person will stay in Turkey. The general duration of the residence permit is 5 years and can be extended 4 times by issuing it every 5 years. Residence permit can be obtained by applying to the same institution.

Residence Permit Fee

If a person with immigrant status in our country is married to any Turkish citizen, they are obliged to obtain a residence permit within the scope of immigration conditions because they will stay in our country. Those who want to extend the residence permit must apply to the authorized institutions within 15 to 20 days at the latest before the expiry of the residence permit. Due to the period of violation of the residence permit to be issued from the persons who have passed the residence permit period, the residence permit fee included in the immigration costs is requested twice as much. The fees of the residence permit are determined by the Finance Ministry on the basis of provision in accordance with the law on fees and published in the official gazette.

Expenses of Residence Permit

In case of losing the residence permit, which is one of the documents that the foreigners staying in our country should obtain, they should notify the police station of the district where the person is located that the residence permit is missing and come to the Foreigners' Branch of the Security Directorate where they have previously applied with the lost property report to be prepared by the officers and obtain a new residence permit. If the lost residence permit is subject to fees, the person has to pay half of the fee determined by the Finance Ministry, which includes the immigration costs he has given while receiving the lost permit, to the new residence permit to be issued according to the law of fees. In addition, in the event that the residence permit is worn out, some of it is burned, torn, damaged by wetting, if he applies to the institution where he previously obtained the residence permit, he will be able to obtain a new residence permit by paying the book price of the law on fees.

Child Born in Immigrant Country

What immigrant persons in our country need to do if they have a new child in Turkey, if they apply to the birth registration office to which the parents are affiliated, they must obtain a mernis birth certificate and issue a passport in the name of the child or add it to their own passport. A migrant who has a child in Turkey must obtain a residence permit within a maximum of 3 months by applying to the directorate of the foreign branch of security to which the legal representative of the child is affiliated. The immigrant does not pay a separate fee for the residence permit included in the immigration costs for the newborn child. They are obliged to carry the residence permit, which is one of the immigration requirements, with them at all times due to the obligation to show it to the security officers at any time during routine checks.