Immigration Interview

There are some rules that people who want to be an immigrant abroad and in Turkey must fulfill with their application, documents they must provide and interviews that they must participate in such as immigration interviews. People who want to be accepted as an immigrant in a different country than the one they live in can do so in some different ways. Persons who apply by fulfilling any of the conditions such as marriage, birth, investment, education, work permit, residence permit must first apply for a visa by applying to the embassy or consulate of the country where they want to live as an immigrant or the necessary institution with the documents they need to prepare. The result will be reported approximately 15 days after the visa application is made.

Immigration Application Stages

Generally, when applying for a visa to the institutions required for immigration to the country where immigration is made to work, a passport application must also be made. The other process that needs to be done in this process is health checks and security investigations. Security procedures are never carried out without health checks. While performing these procedures, it will be in the interest of the person who will apply as an immigrant both for the immigration interview and to avoid difficulties in the destination country. However, the specified amount of tuition is paid for passport procedures and visas. Passport and visa processing can take approximately 15 days. It is necessary to prepare other documents that must be provided during this period.

Documents Required for Immigration Application

Among the documents that the person applying for immigration must have in readily there must first be a biometric photograph. A biometric photograph taken in accordance with ICAO standards is required during passport and visa procedures. Apart from this, the identity cards and passports of the family members, if any, are among the documents required for the fee paid for the visa to be taken and the student certificate if s/he is a student. The other important document that should be included in these documents that should be prepared before the immigration interview is the income certificate. There must be a report showing the income of the person applying for immigration and the original of the bank wallet. In addition to these, the title deed of the immovable property or real estate, if any, health insurance and residence permit must be obtained.

Income Documents in Immigration Application

Among the application documents, different documents showing their income are requested from people whose income level is considered not sufficient. The most important of these is the bank passbook, which shows the account movements within the last six months. In addition, a certificate of income from the Finance Office showing that there is no lien on it, a report showing the income of bank deposits is requested. If the applicant is a business owner, the tax plate or income statement approved by the tax office and the trade registry are required. In addition, the bank passbook showing the specified amount to be present in the bank for the period of stay in the country of application is among the documents that must be completed before the immigration interview.