Receiving Countries of Immigration

Receiving immigrant countries are quite numerous today. Of course, Turkey is the leader of these countries. Turkey is a country that constantly receives immigrants from abroad. The most important feature of the country is to receive immigration from countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia, especially Syria. Turkey is among the most frequented points for the citizens of Middle Eastern countries.

Jordan is one of the countries that receive the most refugees except Turkey. The country of Jordan also welcomes many Syrian and Palestinian immigrants into the country. These migrants are placed in refugee camps and begin to live in the camps. Egypt manages to be among the countries that receive the most immigrants among the Middle Eastern countries. As a result of the war in the Middle East geography, Egypt is one of the countries where many people have emigrated.

European Countries Receiving Immigrants

Within the scope of immigrant receiving countries, European countries also manage to come to the forefront. However, European countries have many conditions for the receiving of migrants. European countries prefer educated immigrants in recruiting migrants. Immigrants without a university degree have a lot of difficulty in migrating to European countries. Germany is one of the European countries that receive the most immigrants. Germany is recruiting many educated and talented immigrants.

Germany is followed by Italy and the Nordic countries. Countries such as Norway, Denmark and Finland, especially Sweden, carry out the process of recruiting qualified and limited number of migrants. However, in recent days, upon the reactions of the local people, the northern countries have decided to stop the receiving of migrants.

Countries' Criteria for Receiving Migrants

Receiving countries prefer to receive migrants depending on many conditions. At the very beginning of these conditions, especially European countries are taking qualified immigrants into the country. University graduates, university students, qualified people can be employed in European countries. In Turkey, there is no rule on this issue. Anyone can come to Turkey as an immigrant. The U.S. and Canada are among the countries that receive immigrants.

These countries also prefer to recruit people who are educated and have high technical skills. In this way, they benefit from the immigrants taken into the country as a country. Under the umbrella of immigration applications, the USA and Canada provide interview services at certain intervals of the year. Interviews take place in consulate buildings.

How to get to Europe as an Immigrant?

Among the countries receiving immigrants, European countries attract a lot of attention. The strong employment structure in European countries is effective in increasing migration to the continent. Today, there are many people who want to go to Europe as immigrants. If these people are educated and qualified, they can easily immigrate to Europe.

However, European governments have established a language requirement for immigration applications. Therefore, people must know the language of the countries where they will apply for immigration. Otherwise, immigration applications will result in a negative result by not being successful in the interviews. For this reason, people need to learn the languages of the countries they will be migrating. For this, it is very useful for them to go to language course centers.Formun Üstü